SSMA Interview #5: Pat Weston (Pat & the WestEnds)

1. What is your style like, how would you describe it?
I've never been a fan of playing the genre game but I guess adult contemporary, acoustic, rock/blues? At least that's where I take my influence from.

2. How long have you been making music?
Honestly? Not really that long. In high school I was sort of lost and didn't know what I wanted to do for a living. I then went to Salem and being so lonely I only had my guitars as company for two weeks before I started making friends. From there 95% of the feedback I got was good so I decided, let's go for it.

3. What got you into music?
Other music. I find that musical scores in movies and soundtracks were my emotional triggers when it came to movies. The song at the end of Lord of the Rings when Frodo left on the ship? Yeah, lost it. But I gravitate more towards catchy pop, rock and hip-hop more than anything else. Nothing's better than blasting something in your car with the windows down and singing along with friends.

4. If you could perform with any artist alive now, who would it be and why?
The easy answer is John Mayer, NO ONE WILL BE SURPRISED BY THAT. But I'd also like to perform with Eric Clemenzi (look him up), Charlie Hunter (Even though he's a god) and Just about anyone who has a "Yeah man, let's play," vibe to them.

5. What inspires you?
Intense emotional conflict. Alternatively, I don't really need inspiration. I pull out an old emotion of heartbreak, desire or anger and use it. I'm at my best when something big has happened and I need to get it out. Being mostly content is bad for my career.

6. Where do you want to go with your music?
I want to play for as many people as possible. Once musicians and artists admit that it becomes so much easier to care less what people think. I will always have people who just don't like my music and they will always decide to voice it, but I could care less. I'm not targeting those people.

7. How do you feel about being nominated in your category?
Well seeing as I'm no longer going to Salem it means a lot that someone over there is thinking about me. Someone saw this and thought, "you know who would be good for this?" I don't know, it's a sign that I'm doing something right. To whoever it was, I will try my best to not let you down.

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