Artist Interview #2 : Anthony Bonarrigo

1. What is your style like, how would you describe it?
I'm not really sure how to answer this. I'm into performing all kinds of music. My band (The Youth and Beauty Brigade) plans to release a different genre with every EP. My singing style is sort of strange though, pop music doesn't really fit my voice, show tunes and strong vocal parts are where my voice really shines.

2. How long have you been making music?
If singing in the car when I was younger counts, my entire life. Realistically though, I've played drums most of my life, and I always say that I've been playing guitar for about five years but took a break for probably four of them.

3. What got you into music?
I come from a family of musicians. My dad and brother both play drums and my uncle was a decently famous singer back in his day (Frank Bonarrigo - it's worth a google). So I've always had a drive to play music.

4. If you could perform with any artist alive now, who would it be and why?
Perhaps any of the guys from good old war. Or Paul McCartney. Albeit I would explode if I got to play with a member of the Beatles.

5. What inspires you?
My parents, my friends, a special shoutout to Ms. Tori Gulusha, life, enjoying my life and loving what I do, music, knowledge, science, math (seriously though, my math shoes), and passion.

6. Where do you want to go with your music?
I would love to do something with a singing group, like a small singing group or something (think Celtic Thunder, but not as Irish). But in reality, I don't expect any future things, I'm just going to continue making music and enjoying it.

7. How do you feel about being nominated in your category?
Honored really. It was extremely unexpected. None of my friends claim to have nominated me so it's even more unexpected (to whoever nominated me the first time, you're rad).

Good luck to everybody nominated, and I thank all those that voted for me, and I thank Eric Roberts for coordinating such a rad event, and I look forward to many more events in the future!

3/19/2013 04:01:45 am

Nice interview..Your very talented in all you do..


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