Interview #1 Molly Pinto-Madigan


1.      What is your style like, how would you describe it?
Have you ever noticed how hard it is to describe your own music?  It’s shadow and shade and ocean and verdurous wild.  Did that make any sense?   No, I guess not.  My music is strange new folk music, with a hint of traditional balladry, as well as Celtic folk and Americana. 

2.      How long have you been making music?
For forever and a day.

3.      What got you into music?
I don’t know, because I feel like I’ve been into music for as long as I can remember.  When I was little, certain songs would just grab me, and my mom would have to try to hunt them down (without the internet, this was no small feat).  I think I always responded the emotion in the music, and the stories.  They really affected me on a deep level.

4.      If you could perform with any artist alive now, who would it be and why?
Oh, jeez.  I’m crushing pretty hard on Colin Meloy of the Decemberists right now.  That would be neat, to share the stage with his genius.  Or if he’s busy, I’d be thrilled to have a gangsta folk rap battle with the boys of Flight of the Conchords! 

5.      What inspires you?
In short, everything.  I could say the cheesy but true answer of my family; they’re always inspiring.  I also draw a lot of inspiration for songs from dreams and from nature.   There are many things inspire me: the beach, fairy tales, long car rides, languages, the wind on bare limbs in spring, rugosa roses, Figwit, swimming in the ocean, owls, poetry, Child ballads, fireplaces, running barefoot, Ryan Gosling, sledding at midnight, seaweed, Halloween, and chai tea lattes.  To name a few.

6.      Where do you want to go with your music?
I’m not sure.  I’d like to be able to play more gigs, maybe have a band, but ultimately I make music because for myself, because the songs want to come out, and all the stuff mulling around inside needs an outlet for expression.  So, I’ll continue to do what I love, and I guess we’ll see where it goes from there. 

7.      How do you feel about being nominated in your category?
I feel honored and nervous; there is some stiff competition out there!  


    Interviews with the Artist Nominated can be found here. Get to know your favorite student artists here. 


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